Meteora Compensation - Auryan ॐ

Proposal for Monthly Compensation

Subject: Monthly Compensation Proposal for Bootcamp Management and Community Support

Dear Meteora DAO Team,

Im Auryan ॐ and im submitting a proposal for monthly compensation to support our ongoing work with the Bootcamp and Community tasks, as well as requesting compensation for previous months.

Monthly Compensation Proposal

Requested Amount: 3,500 USDC per month
Review Period: Every 6 months

Auryan’s Responsibilities:

  1. Meteora Bootcamp Management:

    • Creation and Management: Develop Bootcamp application forms, curriculum, and presentations.
    • Application Review: Review graduation exam submissions that require manual review.
    • Live Bootcamp Facilitation: Manage Q&A sessions and monitor chat interactions during live Bootcamps.
    • Role Management: Oversee LP Army and Bootcamp role assignments and updates.
  2. Community and Team Feedback Integration:

    • Idea Generation and Implementation: Collect and analyze feedback, propose new ideas, and assist in implementation.
    • Collaboration: Ensure effective execution of initiatives with the team.
  3. Community Support:

    • General Support: Address community queries, provide ongoing support, and relay feedback to relevant teams.


  1. Complexity and Responsibility: The tasks involve significant skill and commitment, warranting the proposed compensation.
  2. Industry Standards: The amount is competitive and aligns with industry norms for similar roles.
  3. Growth Potential: Provides a solid compensation base with room for performance-based adjustments.
  4. Retention and Motivation: Ensures fair compensation to retain talent and maintain motivation.

Request for Previous Compensation

I’m also requesting a retroactive compensation of 7k USDC from previous 6 months fully dedicated to Meteora.

Appreciate all consideration of this proposal and look forward to continue performing my daily love routine around Meteora.

Best Regards :purple_heart:

Auryan ॐ