I’m currently President of my University’s Blockchain Club. Over the past two years, i’ve gone to a handful of IRL Crypto events such as Consensus and NFT NYC 2023/2024 where I have met plenty of others who run similar groups at their respective Universities. I propose that we create an initiative to help teach newcomers at these clubs how to use Meteora. Perhaps schedule video calls where a Meteora Team Member could give a short talk to club members about the product and it’s potential applications? I’ve shared Meteora with many close friends in this space as well as club members and I truly believe something like this would help onboard many. Official Team Members could be the ones giving talks to clubs, or perhaps a new “Teacher” role in the Discord could be set up for those qualified to lead meetings? I would love to hear y’all’s feedback on this. DLMM pools are a great product for beginners. The newcomers to my own club tend to show up with smaller amounts of initial capital. Showing them how to park their stables into pools and generate fees would be a very valuable lesson. Anyone else apart of a club that would also be interested in this? I would love to hear feedback. I also work with Solana University and feel they would be a great organization to collab with for this.
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