Suggestion to upgrade DLMM UI: chart of TVL/Fees/Volume changes over time periods

I would like to see more detailed metrics information on meteora for shorter time periods than 24 hours. There is a problem that sometimes the % return of the pool is not realistic, as most commissions could have been earned by having more funds in the pool than at the moment. I propose a solution in the form of adding a graph that will show the changes in liquidity/yield/volume of the pool over a selected period of time, not just 24 hours.

Such a graph will allow:

  • Analyze the dynamics of liquidity, fees, pool volume for the recent time.
  • Take into account sudden changes in liquidity that may have occurred and affected the display of metrics.
  • Make more informed decisions on choosing a pool to invest in.

An example of what this might look like

Iā€™d love to hear your feedback and suggestions for implementing this idea!

Thanks for your attention!


Very good analysis and monitoring.
It may be a meaningful job to check many pools with wide time frame and regulary.