Feature Poll: Between light mode (current) and dark mode, which would you rather use?

Some users have been requesting dark mode for Meteora. In the poll below, please select which is your preferred mode; light mode (current) or dark mode! Do leave any feedback about this topic in this thread.

You can view a simple example of how dark mode might look like on Chrome by using this url: chrome://flags/#enable-force-dark

  • Light mode (current)
  • Dark mode
0 voters

Focusing more resources on security and UX (ease of use, not material crap) will win long term.

That would be lovely to have.
It is so easy on the eyes. I am using on all sites that have the option.

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There are a few lines of code. No significant resources other than time to code it.

The pros are well over the costs for end user.

Please have a total claim pending and Claim All on the DLMM home page similar to how it is on Orca. Focusing on ease of use will help the platform.

There’s only one correct answer for this!

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My eyeballs thank you

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Congrats on a great product so far. It would be great to have a dark mode option, but not if it impacts progress on other features (e.g. point dashboard).


Both modes. At nights I would prefer dark mode.

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i like having the option. it helps me navigate a site based on the light available in a given location.


I think it would be cool to get a view of all opened but unused accounts to help with account management over time spent on darkmode / superficial changes that have no impact on revenue or enterprise growth. I get the spirit of the exercise but can’t help to wonder about the negative side effects of encouraging this type of engagement

it will be cool if we have both mode


I like the light theme better. But even if it is only dark, I will be with you.

Light mode is for psychopaths.

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ded needs dark mode :skull:

Both option should be available for user interactions

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An interesting idea, you can consider

please for the love of god… when i do it manually to darkmode thru chrome is makes all my other browsing sites i look at all jacked up… need internal darkmode option for met …

How do we change back…
Somehow it switched to dark mode but things are not visible such as %apr, withdraw positions, and button text.
Cannot find any way to change the theme

Can we actually have both options? Maybe a toggle to switch back to the light mode? I’m having trouble looking at the black lines now that it is set to the dark mode. Much appreciated for listening to our feedbacks! :smiling_face: